Photo by Mario Kociper
Nika Kožar and
Petromila Jakas founded
Conducting Studio Zagreb to support the professional development of young conductors and all those who want to learn about orchestral conducting. The organisation offers conducting masterclasses with visiting professors from all over the world, concerts, conducting competitions, as well as educational workshops for beginners.
*Content continues below the image.
Photo by Mario Kociper
The target group of their programs are young conductors at the beginning of their careers, as well as instrumentalists and singers who are beginners in conducting, but would like to acquire a solid base technique. Petromila and Nika are themselves conductors in the process of developing their own careers, and they want to pass on their experience to those who are at the beginning of their conducting journey. Their goal is to bring the most modern European conducting techniques to Croatia, as well as to provide education to young conductors on the threshold of entering the professional world. In their work they put emphasis on the encouragement of female conductors, who are still underrepresented in the conducting world, as well as older musicians who would like to try conducting for the first time, but don't know where to start, thus making conducting more accessible to all those who want to learn the basics, or take their already existing technique to a higher level.
Photo by Magda Galić
*Content continues below the image.
Photo by Magda Galić
The founders of the Zagreb Conducting Studio, Nika Kožar and Petromila Jakas, studied music at the Academy of Music in Zagreb, and also at European institutions: "Giuseppe Tartini" in Trieste, the Schola Cantorum in Paris and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. In addition, they attended master seminars all over Europe (United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria) which opened their horizons towards the most modern methods of musical activity and the integration of music into everyday life. The programs offered by Dirigentski Studio Zagreb are new in our area because they offer well-designed, multi-month monitoring of students / candidates in achieving their goals.
Photo by Mario Kociper
Nika Kožar i
Petromila Jakas osnovale su
Dirigentski Studio Zagreb da bi potpomogle profesionalnom razvoju mladih dirigenata i svih onih koji se žele baviti orkestralnim dirigiranjem. Organizacija nudi majstorske tečajeve dirigiranja s gostujućim profesorima iz inozemstva, koncerte, te dirigentska natjecanja, kao i edukativne radionice.
*Sadržaj se nastavlja ispod slike.
Photo by Mario Kociper
Ciljana skupina njihovih programa su mladi dirigenti na početku karijere, ali i glazbenici instrumentalisti i pjevači koji su početnici u dirigiranju, a htjeli bi steći solidnu tehničku podlogu za daljnje napredovanje. Petromila i Nika su i same dirigentice u procesu razvoja vlastitih karijera, te im je želja prenijeti svo svoje iskustvo onima koji tek započinju svoj dirigentski put. Cilj im je donijeti najsuvremenije europske dirigentske tehnike u Hrvatsku, kao i osposobljavanje mladih glazbenika dirigenata na pragu ulaska u profesionalni svijet. Pri tom stavljaju naglasak na poticanje edukacije žena, koje su i dalje slabije zastupljene u dirigentskoj profesiji, kao i starijih glazbenika koji se žele po prvi puta okušati u dirigiranju, a ne znaju gdje bi počeli, čineći dirigiranje, inače teško pristupačnu profesiju, pristupačnijim svima onima koji žele naučiti osnove ili dovesti već postojeću tehniku na višu razinu.
Photo by Magda Galić
*Sadržaj se nastavlja ispod slike.
Photo by Magda Galić
Osnivačice Dirigentskog Studija Zagreb, Nika Kožar i Petromila Jakas, studirale su glazbu na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, a također pri europskim institucijama: “Giuseppe Tartini" u Trstu, Schola Cantorum u Parizu i Sveučilište za glazbu i scenske umjetnosti u Grazu. Uz to pohađale su majstorske seminare diljem Europe (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Belgija, Njemačka, Grčka, Portugal, Bugarska) koji su im otvorili vidike prema najsuvremenijim metodama glazbenog djelovanja te integracije glazbe u svakodnevni život. Programi koje nudi Dirigentski Studio Zagreb su novost na našem području jer nude koncipirano, višemjesečno praćenje studenata / kandidata pri ostvarivanju njihovog cilja.