Photo by Mario Kociper
Petromila Jakas (Šibenik, 1983), studied violin with prof. Orest Shourgot and Goran Končar, in whose class she graduated in 2003 at Zagreb Academy of Music. She completed her specialisation in chamber music in 2010 at the Conservatory of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, in the class of prof. Chia Chou. She completed her postgraduate studies in violin performance in 2011 at Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of prof. Taras Pechenyi, and in 2017 she obtained the Dyplome de Virtuosité at Schola Cantorum in Paris, in the class of prof. Violeta Smailović-Huart. She was awarded the Rector's Prize for exceptional results during her studies, and she participated in many international music competitions with notable success. She was a finalist of the European competition Città di Moncalieri (2017) and the international competition Rovere d`Oro (2018). She won absolute first prizes in the following international competitions: Amigdala (2014.), Paolo Barrasso (2017), and Premio Franz Schubert (2017.) where she was awarded the Riccardo Vianello Prize for best performance of a contemporary work.
*Content continues below the image.
Photo by Mario Kociper
She has performed as a soloist with the BISYOC orchestra (Great Britain), Orchestra Classica di Alessandria (Italy), City Chamber Orchestra Šibenik (Croatia) and Zagreb Chamber Orchestra (Croatia), where she has been working as a concertmaster since 2020. She was noticed for her solo performances of contemporary works at Music Biennale in Zagreb (Croatia) and in Valletta (Malta), where she has performed the absolute world premiere of Opaque Silence-Symbia III, composed by John M. Kennedy. She is currently employed in the Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra, where she works as section assistant leader. Since 2022 she regularly collaborates with International Chamber Orchestra Lorenzo da Ponte, based in Italy, obtaining concerts in halls such as Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna.
As a mentor for violin and orchestral parts for strings, she has collaborated with BISYOC orchestra in Great Britain and SO-DO youth orchestra in Zagreb.
In 2021 and 2022, she participated in the orchestral conducting masterclasses led by prof. René Gulikers in Belgium. In 2023 she completed the programme of the Conducting Institute of the European Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with the Vratsa Symphony Orchestra (Bulgaria), under the mentorship of prof. Derek Gleeson, Malcolm Yuen and Christo Pavlov. Since October 2023 she has been attending the postgraduate program in orchestral conducting at the Academy of Music in Zagreb in the class of prof. Mladen Tarbuk.
Petromila is a passionate musician with an exploratory spirit, and deeply believes a wholistic approach to music. She is a certified Taijiquan tutor, and has done scientific research about the effects of Taijiquan on violin playing, a project called The Sound Posture.
Photo by Mario Kociper
Petromila Jakas (Šibenik, 1983.), studira violinu u klasama prof. Oresta Shourgota i Gorana Končara, u čijoj klasi i diplomira 2003. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Specijalizaciju iz područja komorne glazbe završava 2010. na Konzervatoriju za glazbu i scenske umjetnosti u Grazu, u klasi prof. Chia Choua. Poslijediplomski studij violine završava 2011. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Tarasa Pechenyija, a 2017. godine stječe Dyplome de Virtuosité na Scholi Cantorum u Parizu u klasi prof. Violete Smailović-Huart. Za iznimne rezultate tokom studija dodijeljena joj je Rektorova nagrada, a sa zapaženim uspjehom sudjeluje na mnogim međunarodnim natjecanjima. Finalistica je europskog natjecanja Città di Moncalieri (2017.) i međunarodnog natjecanja Rovere d`Oro (2018.) Apsolutne prve nagrade osvaja na međunarodnim natjecanjima Amigdala (2014.), Paolo Barrasso i Premio Franz Schubert (2017.) gdje se ističe nagradom Riccardo Vianello za najbolju izvedbu suvremenog djela.
*Sadržaj se nastavlja ispod slike.
Photo by Mario Kociper
Solističke nastupe bilježi uz orkestar BISYOC (Velika Britanija), Orchestra Classica di Alessandria (Italija), Gradski komorni orkestar Šibenik te Zagrebački komorni orkestar, uz koji od 2020. djeluje kao koncertna majstorica. Zapažene solističke nastupe suvremenih djela ostvarila je na Muzičkom Biennaleu u Zagrebu te u Valletti (Malta) gdje joj je pripala čast svjetske praizvedbe djela Opaque Silence-Symbia III, skladatelja John M. Kennedyija. Zaposlena je u Simfonijskom orkestru HRT-a na mjestu zamjenika vođe dionice. 2022. započinje suradnju s Međunarodnim komornim orkestrom Lorenzo da Ponte s kojima, između ostalog, nastupa u Musikvereinu i Konzerthausu u Beču.
Kao mentor violine i orkestralnih dionica za gudače surađivala je s orkestrom BISYOC u Velikoj Britaniji te sa SO-DO orkestrom u Zagrebu.
2021. i 2022. sudjelovala je na seminarima orkestralnog dirigiranja prof. René Gulikersa u Belgiji. 2023. završila je program Instituta za dirigiranje u organizaciji “European Academy of Fine Arts” u suradnji sa Simfonijskim orkestrom Vratsa (Bugarska), pod vodstvom prof. Dereka Gleesona, Malcolma Yuena i Christa Pavlova. Od listopada 2023. pohađa program umjetničkog usavršavanja iz orkestralnog dirigiranja na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Mladena Tarbuka.
Petromila je glazbenica slobodnog duha te duboko vjeruje u holistički pristup glazbi. Afirmirana je instruktorica Taijiquana, te je provela znanstveno istraživanje o djelovanju Taijiquana na sviranje violine, koje je nazvala The Sound Posture.